to a Renewed Energy Environment
As we go electrifying and removing carbon from our lives,
clearing the air, cleaning the atmosphere, we have many other sustainable
habits to pick up along the way. Practicing equity and collaboration,
competing for ethical, moral and sustainable "superiority" (if we
must!), and unlearning the pomposities that brought us to this live-or-die
moment will take many creative forms.
Singer Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels
In the
energy realm, we can pair our power use with availability, weaving our habits
into the seasonal and hourly rhythms of life's ballads. We can rest more when
it's dark, not try to get to every corner of the globe more often than is
needful, enjoy the beauty close by that we are best positioned to love and
protect, and share our good energies with one another.
That's an Energy Transformation vision of a Sustainable
Tucson I look forward to being a part of with you! Let our working group know
how we can serve you better through this web resource or otherwise.
Ediger, for Sustainable Tucson's Energy Transformation Working Group
Energy Transformation
Electrify Everything
Renewing Our Energy Supply
Adjusting our rhythms