Renewing our Energy Supply
When we're well on the path of electrifying all of our
energy uses, it is time to clean up how we power them. We can harvest Arizona's
abundant sunshine, storing some in batteries for evening use. Benefits to
on-site solar & storage include outage resilience, avoidance of otherwise
needed grid upgrades and financial payback. Utility-scale solar currently
produces about the same amount of energy as rooftop systems in Tucson, and
local utilities provide ways to reduce our bills while investing in this
green infrastructure.
Upper photo: Kelly
Lacy from Pexels
Go solar
by joining Solar
United Neighbors' Tucson Solar Co-op (Launches late October 2021).

Look at Southern Arizona utility options to go solar with your utility
Learn about how Community Choice Energy policies can open a
way to faster cleaning and greening of energy supply for Tucson and Arizona.
Energy Transformation Home
Electrify Everything
Renewing our Energy Supply
Adjusting our rhythms