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The Methane Rule

The United States’ Bureau of Land Management is currently accepting public comment on their proposal to eliminate elements of the 2016 Methane Rule enacted during the Obama administration. The rule prevents unnecessary and harmful environmental damage caused by current oil and gas extraction and processing practices. Its phased implementation has been delayed by Trump administration Executive Orders. The BLM measure is the fifth attempt during the Trump administration to gut the rule. The first four were rebuffed by courts and Congress. This one you get to weigh in on!

Unburned methane (CH4), also called “natural gas,” is a greenhouse gas 87 times more potent, over a 20 year period, than carbon dioxide (CO2). It is currently routinely released (and occasionally infused into potable water supplies) during oil and gas extraction, processing and transport activities, especially since the advent of fracking.  The 2016 Methane Rule was enacted to limit harms resulting from previously unregulated emissions of methane through venting (direct release of unburned gas), flaring and leaks, and to impose royalties on avoidable waste emissions.

Take Action to protect the Methane Rule

Additional resources:

BLM’s methane waste rule back in force following court decision


BLM Finalizes Rule to Delay Methane Waste Rule